We are a successful volleyball club in the Cardiff region and we’re keen to attract new sponsors. We would love your company to represent everywhere we go and win matches and everywhere we are online!.
Success and ambitions?! – Our women’s team has been the most successful women’s team in Wales for over a decade now. Our talented juniors have represented Wales and England, and some of our players play at the highest level of beach volleyball and represent Wales! In September 2024 our first ever dedicated men’s team will start, and we can’t wait to see them thrive and work their way up the rankings!
Who?! – The men’s team have yet to be claimed by a sponsor, and the women’s squad has previously been sponsored by Nata&Co Portuguese Bakeries, Amplyfi, the Barrister Group, and CM Utilities and others. The player are quite varied: some are local, others international. some are students, professionals, nurses, artists, academics, but all are wonderful, dedicated, and ambitious!
Where?! – The women play largely in the Cardiff region and the South of England (including London), and the men will play in the Cardiff, South Wales, and South West England regions.
Very keen to discuss! – Please check our sponsorship packages, and if you leave a message, Club chair and longterm player Diana will get in touch.
Target Audience
Sports-minded people (all genders, aged 15-45), with a preference for volleyball, located primarily in Cardiff, South Wales, and south England, also including family and friends, students of Cardiff University, Swansea University, Cardiff Metropolitan University, online followers in the UK, Europe, and the world.
Key Dates and Timings
Sponsorships are per year, as we train from September until the end of June, with games from October until April/May. So if you would like to sponsor us with your name on our kit, the maximum exposure would come from our agreement in August 2024 at the latest. Of course we are keen to work with your business schedule and can adapt wherever is optimal.
Specific Opportunity Details
What We Propose
Your donation would contribute towards vital club functioning:
• Sustaining training routines (2 women adult and 2 junior sessions per week, plus 2 extra sessions for the male team next year)
• Hosting home games, covering the venue hire and refereeing costs
• Travel to away games, covering petrol costs
• Occasional accommodation costs, when playing two distant away games
• The club and player registration fees, payable to Volleyball England
• A set of 6 more volleyballs and/or new kit, when appropriate.
Sponsor benefits:
If you agree to become a Team South Wales Donor, we have the following promotion types available, depending on the negotiated terms:
• Corporate logo displayed on the team kit: front or back of the t-shirts or back of playing shorts
• Corporate logo displayed on the team tracksuit: Front or back of top
• Logo displayed on the front or back of warm-up t-shirt
• Large standing advertising banner displayed at all home games and team photographs
• Social media coverage: Instagram and Facebook
• Your logo and products advertised on the club’s:
• Instagram page: www.instagram.com/teamsouthwales (484 followers)
• Facebook page: www.facebook.com/TeamSouthWales (1500+ followers)
• Website: https://teamsouthwales.wix.com/volleyball
Features and Benefits
Our sponsorship offer is divided into 4 levels, but we open to discuss beyond these levels:
• Name on kit: Front and back of playing shirt and leisure kit
• Banner up in all training sessions and games
• Banner used in all team photos to be sent to newspapers and /or Volleyball England features etc.
• TSW Website – highlighted and very visible advertisement including your company logo on every page of our website. Your company logo and link to your website on TSW website’s footnote which is visible if scroll down in all pages (next to other donors’ logos) including highlighted description of the company and logo (and link to website) on “our donors” page
• TSW Facebook page- large logo highlighted on cover image as it stands at the moment and banner on all team photos.
• Facebook coverage of all newspaper and media coverage and information about our donor on “about page”.
• TSW Instagram page – tagged regularly in posts and stories with 8 dedicated posts per season.
£2500 – “GOLD DONOR”
• Name on kit: Front of playing shirt
• Banner up in all training sessions and games.
• TSW Website – your logo (and link to website) on website’s footnote which is visible (if scroll drown) in all pages (next to other donors’ logos) and description of your company and logo (and link to website) on “our donors” page
• TSW Facebook page – small logo on cover image and information about your company on “about page”.
• TSW Instagram page – tagged regularly in posts and stories with 4 dedicated posts per season.
£1000 – “SILVER DONOR”
• Name on kit: Logo on sides of shirt or shoulders
• TSW Website: Logo (and link to website) on website’s footnote which is visible in all pages (next to other donors’ logos) and description of your company and logo (and link to website) on “our donors” page
• TSW Facebook page – small logo on cover image
• TSW Instagram page – tagged regularly in posts and stories.
£500 or less – “BRONZE DONOR”
• Your name on Website and Facebook
• TSW Instagram page – tagged regularly in posts and stories.
Other Partners
The women’s squad is currently sponsored by the Barrister Group, and has previously been sponsored by Nata&Co Portuguese Bakeries, Amplyfi, CM Utilities, CardiffMet SportSmart Solutions Group.
The men’s team have yet to be claimed by a sponsor,.. Your company could be our special first love!
We are looking for £500 – £4000 cash (per year)
Other Info
We livestream our games and keep them on our Facebook and Instagram pages so throughout the season we have events that grab people’s attention to watch our games.
We work with professional sports photographer Graham Glendinning (@GlennSports) who takes photographs at our home matches, which we upload to our social media channels.
In between match seasons, we play tournaments and wear branded kit to beach volleyball events throughout Wales and England.
As an official community amateur sports club (CH10266), any donation will be a tax-deductible benefit for the sponsor.