We are hoping to take the team on their first ever rugby tour. It is hoped this will cement their love of the game yet further so that we don’t lose any to football or other activities. We are a very strong unit, there are some great friendships between them all and they have all performed fantastically well over the years. Any financial assistance would be massively appreciated. There are around 20 players and 4 coaches so each will have a tour shirt with the sponsors details on and it would be hoped that this will lead to many more tours throughout the UK and Europe in future seasons.
Target Audience
Sport fans, rugby fans, children at 12 years old and parents of varying demographic
Key Dates and Timings
Friday 2nd may until Sunday 4th may 2025
Specific Opportunity Details
The team is 20 strong, but the club has approximately 250 youth team members and 2 adult teams. Therefore the exposure is quite vast as the players and parents live all over Plymouth
Features and Benefits
Exposure on tour shirt plus mentions and thanks all over social media
Other Info
We are looking for as much help as possible to help pay for your shirts, accommodation, insurance and travel