Khiaan Wheeler Sailing
I am looking for sponsorship for my son, to further his sailing experience. His name is Khiaan, he is 13 years old and has learning disabilities, autism, adhd and sensory processing disorder.
As a part of his sensory processing disorder we have discovered he sensory seeks water. We enrolled him into our local sailing club and he has excelled. He has found his happy place, a place that not only provides an amazing learning environment where his disabilities are catered for but a place that sees his abilities and encourages him in the best way.
He started to sail an ILCA one a few months ago after progressing from a topper, and has really excelled in this boat, regularly beating some of the best adult ILCA sailors at the club. He has also taken part in 2 ILCA opens recently, racing against mainly adults, giving them a run for their money, placing 17th overall in one of them.
He currently sits 26th out of 85 entries in the ILCA midlands grand prix series. We are looking to get him his own boat and race sails, along with a road trailer to open up his opportunities as well as purchase him a full offshore and onshore kit .
Due to his needs he is currently not in an educational placement, so being on the water has become even more important to him and has been his stability, it has also meant I have been unable to work, I am his sole carer, and have had to give up employment and go onto benefits to provide for all his needs.
So this has had a huge impact on finances. So we are looking for a sponsor who will help us to help him achieve his dreams of progressing to the next Olympics in 2028 and for his dream career of becoming a sailing instructor and teach people what he loves. We would love to have you on board for his journey.