Karate season 2024 Mexico World championships

Sponsor Info

Location: Wales

Sector: Martial Arts


Social Media

Me and my sister are seeking sponsorship to help us progress in our karate journey we have been training since the age of 7 and now its a massive part of our lifes my self and my sister have travelled all over the UK competing in kumite we have multiple championships under our belts and we are very proud to be fighting for our welsh team .towards the end of 2023, we started to travel abroad competing in the european and world championships this was a whole new experience for us and we don’t want it to end, for the 2024 season there are 27 competitions and that includes the world championships in mexico we are seeking help to fund these trips ,
As we are on our travels we would do as much as we can to show our appreciation for your help we will have our kits with our sponsors over them advertiser on social media and any idea you can give us to show our appreciation if there’s anymore information you want from us please get in contact and hopefully we can keep chasing our dreams

Key Dates and Timings

Our dates are spread across 2024 but the main one is the world championships in mexico that's in July 10 to the July the 15th

Other Partners

We don't have anyone this is our first time trying to find a sponsorship


We don't have a figure as there alot of competitions to fund to go to anything anyone can help with we would appreciate it