Joshua Bendrey’s Running Journey

Sponsor Info

Location: North West

Sector: Athletics

Budget: Under 10k

Social Media

Joshua Bendrey – I’m 15 and looking for an individual sponsor to support me throughout my running journey. I started running around 7-8 months and I am currently running a 17 minute 5k with my progress showing that my time decreased approximately a minute a month. Unfortunately, my parents are in a poor financial situation so funding for running shoes is quite difficult.  If I receive help with funding, I can promise that over the next few years you will help me achieve my goals of becoming a high level athlete. My running club are supportive with my dreams and I was named athlete of the month last month. Thank you for taking your time to read this.

Key Dates and Timings

I would wish any kind of sponsorship or supplying shoes to last over the next 3 years until I turn 18 mainly. Although, having longer would be excellent because once I turn 18 I hope to be on the way to becoming more of a professional running athlete.

Specific Opportunity Details

I would be massively grateful for funding mainly for shoes, so that I can train without receiving potential injuries. Last week I picked up a minor injury probably due to uncushioned shoes but I am back to running again in a couple of days. Right now, I am running 17:30 in the 5k after no serious training, once I get some good shoes and start a fixed training plan, I am confident in myself to become very high level by the end of this year.

Features and Benefits

By giving me sponsorship support, I will do posts on Instagram and use hashtags to increase visibility of not only my social media, but your company too. I will wear only the gear provided from you guys. When I start winning big events, I will stay loyal to you guys and promote you to the best of my ability. Of course the main people directing the sponsor can come to all my events.


Flexible – whether this be product support (running shoes) or cash funding.

Other Info

I can deliver incredible performances with the right sponsor to help with shoes. Running is my passion and I am motivated to develop within my journey.