Gladiator 7s rugby 7s team

Sponsor Info


Sector: Rugby Union

Budget: Under 10k

Social Media

So a little bit about us, we are a group of friends attending a few different universities all over the country all with a common love of a few things, Rugby, Summer and festivals. So what better way to enjoy those things then to set out around the country entering rugby 7s tournaments? Our aim is to reach the likes of Oxford 7s, Bournemouth 7s and Cheltenham at least with more fitted in between if possible.

Your partnership will not only contribute to the success of our team but will also align your brand with the values of sportsmanship, dedication, and teamwork. In return for your generous sponsorship, your brand will gain significant exposure, including placement on our team’s kit during matches and events. With these being rugby events I feel a protein drink such as your own being promoted will certainly be reaching the right crowd! Additionally, we will showcase your brand on our social media platforms, acknowledging your support and reaching our growing audience.

Target Audience

Our team appeals to sports people and others who would be interested in rugby 7 for example food, drinks, and sports!

Key Dates and Timings

We will be playing in festivals on the 27th of april in Chelmsford, the 18th and 19th of may in Oxford, the 24th to 26th of may in Bournemouth as a skeleton schedule with other festivals yet to be decided! This partnership has the potential to remain for years!

Specific Opportunity Details

We are currently just starting up our team but see a significant gap to reach a lot of potential buyers! With our team reaching many different festivals around the country brand exposure would be very high!

Features and Benefits

Largely brand exposure to specific audiences!

Other Partners

We currently have a bucket hat designer, nicotine product producer and car manufacturer


Cash investment of £150 for sleeve sponsorship, £200 for back sponsorship or £400 for main shirt sponsorship!