We are Veliocite Motorsports writing to inform you about the potential coverage of your business’s popularity and confidence through supporting our team in F1 in Schools.
What is F1 in Schools
F1 in Schools is a STEM program designed for 11- 17-year-olds to endeavour into the possibilities of their future careers in Mathematics, Engineering, Real-world finance, and Creativity. This also includes competitive qualities to bring confidence into the work they do
What we request from you
We are happy to be supported and to support others. We ask for £75 and we can expand your business capabilities, in competitions are events
Key Dates and Timings
The Sponsorship can last on when the team reaches an exclusive event such as Nationals Finals or anytime for a given reason
Specific Opportunity Details
F1 in Schools is a global competition located specifically in America Asia and the UK
Features and Benefits
Expand on business qualities, and beneficial parts of your company. And
Other Partners
Any business