Ellenborough Table Tennis Club

Sponsor Info

Location: London

Sector: Sports

Budget: Budget Varies

Social Media

We seek a sponsor for our British League elite teams, we would like to attract more elite players to the club and continue the growth of our junior section where we have some highly England ranked junior players

Target Audience

We have players from 7 to 90 years old, male and female.

Key Dates and Timings

We seek a multi year sponsorship, maybe 3 years aimed out our elite teams and players. Funding for coaches to travel with elite juniors would only improve the standard of our players.

Specific Opportunity Details

We have around 300 members ranging from recreational players, through local league and into elite British League juniors and seniors, including veterans in both men’s and women’s.

Features and Benefits

We would look to advertise on elite players shirts, our website, our club external signage and via social media.
Coverage via the table tennis England website and social media could include the team name being something like “company name Ellenborough ”
Table tennis is a top 6 participation sport in the UK that unfortunately doesn’t receive the TV coverage in the UK it deserves.

Other Partners

We have a club sponsorship from one of the major equipment suppliers in the UK- Tees Sport- which helps fund equipment such as tables and gives discount to club members. Their logo is on club shirts too, but we have opportunities for additional sponsors.


We seek a cash sponsorship to help fund our elite teams and are open to offers from potential sponsors.