Andy Ward

Sponsor Info

Location: Wales

Sector: Cricket

Budget: Under 10k

Social Media

I am an advanced level cricket coach and play club cricket at a high level in Pembrokeshire.

Target Audience

As a player/coach I appeal to males and females of all ages.

Key Dates and Timings

I would look for the sponsorship to be all year round and for an initial 12 month period

Specific Opportunity Details

I am one of only 2 advanced coaches in the county. I am attracting attention from the local area but also UK wide thanks to my social media accounts as well as word of mouth from my historical and current clients

Features and Benefits

Within my coaching role I have contact with many players of all ages including children’s parents. I am also a member of the Wales over 40s squad as well as Pembrokeshire Seniors. I also coach on the Cricket Wales pathway which again allows me to have contact with an even wider audience.

Through social media (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram), I am increasing my followers and would promote any sponsor via those media platforms. I would also be displaying my sponsor on my cricket equipment.

Other Partners

Gray Nicolls are my main cricket equipment supplier

Sidearm – provide me with their cricket ball thrower and I will be producing them with video content which they will be presenting via their social media accounts


I am looking for a cash investment in around £300

Other Info

Throughout my time as a coach I have mentored 5 players to become Professionals. By mentoring this goes further than just coaching. I have been involved in supporting their development as a young person into a full professional cricketers.

I constantly strive to grow my audience size and look beyond just the basic 1-1 coaching by also taking my coaching online and available to players throughout the world.

I have a personality which can be described as an influencer and if I believe in a specific product or style then I ensure that I share that with as wide an audience as possible.