Durham University Women’s Football Club.
One of the highest performing university teams across Britain in the past decade. Currently retaining a national title for the 23-24 season and another national silver, we feature 3 sides that compete in the British University and College Sport (BUCS) league. Home to many professional and international alumni, alongside excellent academics, we provide a unique pathway for elite sportswomen like no other club.
Sponsorship with Durham Women’s Football Club provides a platform for British wide recognition, elevating brand exposure as we carry you along our feature schedule across University city’s in every corner of the UK. DUWAFC is part of a pioneer movement, as we hope to elevate women in football and create a an established pathway for elite footballer that allows them to no longer have to sacrifice their career aspirations in football for fear of the necessity of education. Alongside this, we hope to find sponsors that share in our vision for expanding opportunities for women in football. Few University football programmes are as passionate as we are about this, last year having established a 4th, development side, we become one of the first do so, as we look to increase participation in the Women’s game. This follows the establishment
Target Audience
Students and women's football fans, ages 18-60
Key Dates and Timings
2024-25 season. Beginning September 2024.
Features and Benefits
There are a wide range of sponsorship packages available to be discussed. This includes the headline partner sponsorship package, securing headline sponsor rights across media pages and access to physical presence and recognition at exclusion University events, and the printing of brand logo across the front of kits. Smaller sponsorship packages, such as lettering across warmup jumpers and other products are available for discussion, alongside match board signage and player of the match social media post packages.
Other Partners
Across the club, Durham Football has a virtual audience of over 7,000 social media followers on platforms, alongside an active website which provides weekly match and fixture updates. Beyond this, DUWAFC provides access to thousands of University student spectators and a BUCS championship platform that sees the club travel all across the UK and highlighted in many national finals.
Additionally, by sponsoring DUWAFC, your organization will be associated with the empowerment and development of female athletes, contributing to the broader movement of promoting gender equality in sports.
Women's football is experiencing unprecedented growth, with more visibility, support, and participation than ever before. This partnership would therefore reflect an ongoing commitment to supporting young women in their athletic and academic pursuits, fostering a positive and inclusive image for your brand. Your sponsorship will not only help us provide better resources and opportunities for our players but will also position your organization as a champion of diversity and empowerment, resonating strongly with socially conscious consumers and stakeholders.