Actonians Cricket Club

Sponsor Info

Location: London

Sector: Cricket

Budget: Budget Varies

Social Media

We are a large cricket club based in west London aiming to provide a fun and inclusive place for people to play and enjoy sport. We have 6 Saturday teams, 1 Sunday team and 2 Women’s teams. We are looking at getting sponsorship to help ensure we can provide cricket to as many people as possible for years to come.

Target Audience

Male/female 18-75 sporty and into cricket

Key Dates and Timings

Variable length deals available.

Specific Opportunity Details

We have a mixed package of opportunities for sponsors ranging from Kit deals to poster campaigns. We have a large player base and play across 10 leagues so plenty of viewing opportunity. We also have a strong social media following we are looking to expand.

Features and Benefits

Various options available, including a hosted club day and advertising on kit as well as on site.


Cash or equipment deal.